

The repository contains scripts, data, and other relevant information on analysis of the results of drug-wise association study (DWAS) focusing on all the ATC codes at level2; with Parkonson’s disease (PD) as outcome.

The manuscript is published in Neurology: “Association Between Use of Any of the Drugs Prescribed in Norway and the Subsequent Risk of Parkinson Disease: A Drug-wide Association Study”, Julia Romanowska, Kjetil Bjornevik, Marianna Cortese, Julia A Tuominen, Magne Solheim, Asieh Abolpour Mofrad, Jannicke Igland, Clemens R Scherzer, Trond Riise, Neurology, 2023, DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000207899

The raw files and results are available in the GitHub repo: and described below.


The scripts in the analysis_run folder were used inside the SAFE server, on the raw data, to analyse and create descriptive tables. Scripts with the numbers in the beginning were ran outside SAFE server, using only the results, i.e., data available in the DATA folder.

analysis_run folder

This scripts produces the main results files:

Where n is 2, 4, or 8; and x is 0, 5, 8, or 10.

SCRIPTS folder


Take a look at all the figures.


show_results_plotly.Rmd and show_results_plotly_sex_strata.Rmd

Scripts that produce an interactive visualization of all the results.



R-data with all the results from the sub-group analysis.

Dose-response analysis

All results can be viewed here.


Check the details in data-folder README